Package tenua.symbol

Class Summary
Assignment A Symbol that handles assignment to a variable from the stack
Binary Symbol subclass that represents a binary operator.
DoubleStack A simple stack of doubles.
Expression A sequence of Symbols that are evaluated in order, like an RPN calculator
Interpreted A Symbol that uses the BeanShell interpreter to evaluate itself
Power A Symbol that represents an integer power
Symbol Represents something (numbers, id's, operators) that can be part of an Expression
Unary A Symbol that represents a unary operator.
Value A Symbol that has a value that can be pushed onto the stack
Variable A Symbol that has a value that can be pushed onto the stack and can be changed.
VariableMemento A memento that stores the state of a SymbolTable's variables

Exception Summary
InterpretedSymbolException Wraps a bsh.EvalError as a runtime exception