Package tenua.gui

Class Summary
AboutWindow Displays the About… screen for Tenua
CompilerTimer Sets up a timer loop to run the compiler on a regular basis
DoubleTextField A JComponent that consists of a JLabel on top of a JTextField.
EditorPanel creates a panel that contains a simple text editor on top and a text area on the bottom for error messages
GraphPanel plots a graph based on a DataModel
HelpWindow Displays the manual for Tenua
MechanismTextField Implements a TextField that reflects a variable in a mechanism
NotePanel creates a panel that contains a simple text editor on top and a text area on the bottom for error messages
PlotterPanel Creates a panel that plots the data in a Tenua
PropertyCheckBox Implements a JCheckBox that follows a JComponent property.
TablePanel A Panel that includes a 2-D table of data
Tenua A chemical kinetics simulator written in Java.
VariablePanel Implements a panel that displays the variables of a mechanism